We submitted an application for assistance in developing a church plant in Bucks County. After numerous telephone conversations, meetings and a visit by the Director of Grace Advance, our application was approved in June 2018. We had become, The Master’s Church (TMC) - a simple statement of truth affirming that this is Christ’s church.
A member of our core team spent two weeks in California during the summer of 2018 to attend the Grace Advance Academy, which provides intensive training on church planting. The Grace Advance team also provided us with two elders for counsel and support as we waited for the Lord to provide a godly pastor to shepherd us in the days ahead. (1 Tim. 3:1-7).
We soon began to grow and started to search for a larger space. At the end of January 2019, we began meeting at Council Rock Senior Center in Richboro, PA. The Lord providentially supplied this in His perfect timing.
It was an exciting time, but not without its challenges. We have learned much and have been humbled through some of the trials that we have experienced. However, God has been ever faithful.
As we continued our pastoral search, the Lord provided a retired pastor to fill the pulpit on Sunday mornings. During this time, the TMC family wore many hats and most importantly, learned to depend on the Lord for every need. Our people served readily and supported ministry needs through the use of their time, talent and spiritual gifts. We truly became a “family” who desired to grow spiritually, love one another well, and glorify God.
We were considering a few promising pastoral candidates. After several months of e-mails and phone/video interviews, we believe that the Lord clearly revealed the man of His choice. He visited Pennsylvania for a week in January 2022 in order for our congregation to get to know him and hear him speak and teach. In April, 2022, Danny Martin became our full time Teaching Pastor. He is a graduate of the Master’s Seminary and a man who loves the Lord and His Word. We feel most blessed by his humble spirit and his in-depth sermons, the result of much study and preparation. We continue to praise God for His provision. The Lord is building His church as He promised in Matthew 16:18.
Going Forward
We are growing a strong foundation and are joyful in our worship, prayer and in the loving community with which the Lord has surrounded us. He clearly has the reigns and we are thankful to be used for His honor. "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves." 2 Corinthians 4:7
We welcome you to join us. Our goal is to proclaim Christ and His power to save those who are drawn to a relationship with Him through faith and repentance leading to obedience to the teachings of Scripture.