And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.
2Timothy 2:2
Keith and Linda Ebrahim
The Expositor’s International
Training national pastors, preaching and Bible teaching throughout the Philippines.
We are pleased to announce that the elders of The Master’s Church (TMC) have prayerfully decided to support our first missionary. Many of you had the opportunity to meet Keith and Linda Ebrahim when they visited with us this past September. The Ebrahim’s were very supportive of TMC in the very early stages of the establishment of this church plant in 2018. In January 2023 they will be returning to Manila to begin an itinerant preaching ministry throughout the Philippines.
In addition to supporting them financially, we want Keith and Linda to be a part of the TMC family. We will provide periodic prayer updates as well as contact information so that we might send them notes of encouragement.
Email the TMC office if you would like their contact information or see one of the elders on Sunday.
James and Julia March
The Master’s Academy International
Serving in Cannes, France
We are pleased to announce that TMC will be supporting James and Julia March in the work they are doing in Cannes, France. James served as a missionary from 2000–2004, primarily among North Africans in Marseille, France. During his furlough in the US, he met his wife, Julia. They have been married since 2006 and have three sons: Elijah, William, and Wesley. James graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2013 and served as an intern pastor with the Sojourners fellowship group at Grace Community Church from 2010–2014. He and his family have been serving in France and Geneva, Switzerland since 2015 and recently transitioned to a new ministry in Cannes, France. This new ministry will involve church strengthening and church planting, with a future goal of starting a TMAI training center in France.
In addition to supporting the March's financially, we welcome them as part of our family at TMC. We will be communicating periodic updates on their ministry so that we as a church can prayerfully support and encourage them as they serve the Lord in France.
Grace Ministries International
Missionaries to India
Due to security concerns we are unable to share the names of our missionaries to India. They are engaged in pastoral training and church strengthening. Please keep them in your prayers.