“Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the Book widens and deepens with our years.”
For Adults and Teens
Biblical Doctrines
Led by Pastor Danny
Time: Tuesdays, 6:45—8:15 PM
Location: Crossing Community Church
Year round
Doctrine not only equips you with more knowledge about God, it also shapes your affections toward Him and directs your actions for Him — but it can be difficult to know where to begin.
Using Dr. MacArthur's two books, Essential Christian Doctrine, A Handbook on Biblical Truth and his larger work with Richard Mayhue, Biblical Doctrine, A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth, Pastor Danny will walk us through the essentials of the Christian faith doctrine by doctrine. These books are an entry point for studying theological topics such as the Bible, the Holy Spirit, the church, and more. This will encourage your heart and empower you to proclaim the faith that was "once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude 3)
Please plan to purchase one of them as a tool for this Bible Study. Space is limited, so preference will be given to those who attend The Master’s Church. Contact us here or call for more information.

For Women
Space is limited, preference will be given to the women who attend TMC. Thanks for understanding.
Fall Bible Study - Beginning September 26
Book of Colossians - The Excellencies of Christ
Thursday Evenings, 7 - 8:30 PM at the Moutoux home
Led by Susan Moutoux
Join us for a verse-by-verse study of this epistle of Paul to the church at Colossae. In his message to combat the false teaching that was threatening the church, Paul presents Christ as the all-sufficient One, the image of the invisible God, the Head of the Church, the One in whom all believers are made complete. The goal of our study will be to know our Savior Jesus Christ more completely, so we can follow Him with whole-hearted devotion.
For Men
The men meet monthly at Cairn University for breakfast together followed by a time of teaching. Currently, Pastor Danny is leading the men in a study of Biblical manhood.
Recommended Resource: Biblical Manhood: Masculinity, Leadership and Decision Making by Stuart Scott
Check the upcoming events on our home page for the next gathering.
“ “The knowledge of God, presented to us in Scripture...should first prompt us to fear God, and then to trust Him, so that we may serve and honor Him by innocence of life, by unfeigned obedience and by utter reliance on His goodness.” ”

College and Career
TMC has a wonderful group of young people, men and women,
who love Jesus Christ and His Word.
Join us for monthly fellowship and also for our weekly Biblical Doctrine study on Tuesday nights. Contact us here for details.