TMC Lending library
Please use this link to browse our library and complete the form to request a book.
Books will be kept on the bookshelves in the Loft and can be borrowed for one month at a time.

Grace To You
“the purpose of Grace to You, which is to teach biblical truth with clarity”
G3 Ministries
“We provide resources in form of online articles, podcasts, expository preaching workshops, biblical worship workshops, and local church based curriculum for Sunday school and small groups. While we will still be offering events such as our large national conference, regional conferences, study cruises, and church history tours—we are very excited about offering resources to local churches and individual Christians.”
Just Thinking Ministries
“At Just Thinking Ministries, we boldly confront cultural, social, political, and theological issues through a biblically orthodox worldview. The voices of those denying Christ and His Lordship grow louder and more deceptive each day. At Just Thinking Ministries, we seek to humbly and faithfully exegete God's Word to help the Church hold fast to the truth and withstand the waves and winds of doubt this world tries to throw at us.”
Justin Peters Ministries
Justin is committed to communicating biblical truth through expository preaching and teaching resources designed to deepen the believer’s knowledge of God and, in turn, his love for God.
“This blog is a small attempt to continue the tradition that these men started by giving a place for like-minded Christians and pastors to share their thoughts about ministry, theology, and issues that affect the church today, in a way that will bring encouragement and clarity to those who read it.”
Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
Truth in Love. Resources, training and certification to promote excellence and doctrinal integrity in biblical counseling
Wretched with Todd Friel has a three-fold mission. Preach the Gospel, Equip the Saints, and Strengthen the Church by using TV, Radio and Social Media.
When We Understand the Text - Pastor Gabe Hughes - “Many of the Bible verses and stories we think we know, we don't! When We Understand the Text (WWUTT) is an online ministry preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and rebuking those who contradict it (Titus 1:9). We feature hundreds of short videos addressing dozens of Bible topics, and a podcast with 20 minutes of Bible teaching five days a week, enjoyed by millions of people around the world—and it's all for free!”
Children's Hunder Fund
CHF has worked in the US and around the world to elevate the local church, equipping and positioning church leaders and volunteers to reach suffering children and families in their communities by delivering food and hope found in the gospel of Christ.
The Women's Hope Podcast
Join Dr. Shelbi Cullen and Kimberly Cummings as they bring hope and encouragement through 25 years of combined experience in biblical discipleship and counseling as ACBC counselors. Shelbi and Kimberly provide biblical and practical wisdom by coming alongside women with the teaching and resources necessary to grow in the grace and the knowledge of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Every Woman’s Grace
The women’s ministry of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA. Resources and Bible studies
Michelle Lesley
Bible studies, discernment, discipleship for women
Susan Heck - With The Master
Women’s Bible studies
NAS MacArthur Study Bible
”This all-in-one spiritual library contains John MacArthur’s personal study notes below the full-length Bible text. Virtually every Scripture has a matching study note with detailed information, explanation, and helpful insight. These notes are based on John’s verse-by-verse approach to the Bible and fifty years of careful study. John’s goal is to let the Bible speak for itself—nothing more, nothing less.”
Biblical Doctrine-A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth
“Doctrine isn’t just for theologians—it’s important for every Christian because it shows us who God is and how we should live. Systematizing the robust theology that has undergirded Dr. John MacArthur’s well-known preaching ministry for decades, this overview of basic Christian doctrine covers topics such as God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, salvation, and more. Comprehensive in scope yet written to be accessible to the average reader—with non-technical vocabulary, minimal footnotes, and a helpful bibliography—this volume offers Christians a solid foundation for what they believe and why. “
Hymns of Grace
”Let's revive some of the great hymns that have fallen into disuse, and along with the best hymns written today, delve deeply into this rich Christian hymnology." —John MacArthur (available for purchase at our resource table, $20)
Worship: The Ultimate Priority
You will learn that worship is any essential expression of service rendered unto God by a soul that loves and extols Him for who He is. Worship is the nonstop role of believers, not merely part of a church service.
One Perfect Life
In One Perfect Life, Dr. John MacArthur shares with us the complete story of the Eternal Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Using Matthew as the base text, Dr. MacArthur blends the gospels and other biblical material about Jesus into one continuous story that will help you better understand Scripture and grow stronger in your faith.
The Exemplary Husband
Stuart Scott “a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church.”
The Excellent Wife
Martha Peace “This book is based on Proverbs 31:10: An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.”
Shepherding a Child’s Heart
Ted Tripp “Written for parents with children of any age, this insightful book provides perspectives and procedures for shepherding your child's heart into the paths of life. Shepherding a Child's Heart gives fresh biblical approaches to child rearing.”
American Gospel
The Atheist Delusion
The Biggest Question
Clouds Without Water
Created Cosmos
Drunk In The Spirit
Evolution vs. God
Adoniram and Ann Judson
Life is Best
Science Confirms The Bible
Spirit & Truth
Through The Eyes Of Spurgeon
Clarifying the Bible
Clarifying the Bible is a two-hour video presentation and workbook that gives viewers the basic framework and storyline of the Bible. The material is presented in a passionate, compelling fashion, and in the end delivers on its promise to help people see the Bible with more clarity than every before. You’ll engage the Scriptures with confidence, and feel well-equipped to help others dive into the Scriptures for themselves.
Daniel timetable
Pastor John MacArthur- detailed look at the timetable of prophecy leading to Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem. “How marvelous, how accurate, how exacting that it all should come to the very day, the very day that Jesus when He entered the eastern gate on the colt, the foal of an ass, with the palm branches strewn at His feet, hearing the hosannas, must have had a heart that was exhilarated beyond anything we can believe. It must have had ringing in His ears, the prophecies of Daniel. How heaven must have rejoiced that this great monumental prophecy, which if wrong by one day would defy the veracity of the Word of God, had indeed come to pass.”